Hi I have a minvator (simplicity 950 similar) which stopped working!
It was run down to the bottom stop and then would not move.
The display shows “-” and then “0” when the lever is pressed to go up or down.
Same lack of reaction from remotes.
The manual indicates the “-” is ready for use and the “0” indicates at stop limit.
Using the manual crank I moved the chair up off the bottom stop.
However it still will not move (no motor relay click heard). Display is reading the same.
Using an ohmmeter I have tested the chair position switch and key switch. Both tested good.
When I mechanically activate the bottom & top limit/stop switches I hear a click.
I can see a red blinking light on the circuit board.
Does anyone know what that indicates?
Also can any tell me how to get at the circuit board and limit switches?
Thank you for your help in advance.