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Hi again!
I’ve spent the last few hours stripping the lift down, I removed the batteries and connected them to the footrest motor and the swivel motor and the good news is that both motors kicked over no problem.
I removed the main board and checked out all the connections. Everything seems ok. I checked the continuity from the spade terminal of the grey (comms) wire from the main board right to the bullet connector that then goes to the relevant footrest/swivel boards , that checked out alright.
So now I am stuck again as I am reading 11.33v at the grey wire and the black (common negative). The powered footrest motor does not operate when I operate the arm rest switch and the swivel motor does not operate when the end limit has been reached. When operational the lift used to beep 3 times at the top of the stairs and then the swivel would activate but now it just beeps once and stops. I can’t hear any signs of the relays clicking on either board, I have swapped the two boards around but it made no difference. I’m really pulling my hair out with this one!, Any suggestions?