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Sterling minnovator 1000 trying to mount chair to rail
MemberI have a minivvator 1000 and the rails are installed on the steps. The chair/power pac was removed and needs to be mounted on rail. Looking at Handicare Simplicity + installation manual. There is a tool called busbar pickup loading tool which connects to the rail and allows you to slip on the power pack/chair all aligned, etc. I do not have this tool. Looks like 2 bus bar extensions. about 8 inches long. Anywhere I can get this tool? Anyway to put the chair back on without this tool. The unmounted chair responds to the remotes in the main gear turning forward or backward. I just can’t figure out how to mount this on the rail I am an old newbie help appreciated
Inactivethe 1000 and the 950 simplicity are two different beasts! the installation manual for the 1000 is all online if you know where to look 😉 type minivator 1000 into google and I bet the first hit will lead you to
probably get slated for showing that link but it will allow you to safely install the lift to manufacturers spec and set up all the safety features, it does show you the install tube, tbh you can pick up the carriage, guide it onto the rail till the rack and pinion meet, then just hand wind it on fully, but as you say your carriage and chair are all one unit get someone to help you lift it onto the rail then while one supports and guides the other gets down and controls the final alignment and drives it on using the remote, I can do it single handed but tell the h&s lot they get shirty about it -
MemberFredt Do I need their special loading tool to put the power/chair on the rail? can you screw up anything by just eyeballing how it should fit . . .plunking it down…and then using the remote to move it downward. I realize the top limit stop and other gizmo have to come off the rail before you do this. I have the chair by itself and can see the gear turning up or down with the remote. I know you said you can load the whole thing by yourself . . . but I guess 2 strong men is the norm. Wish I had their busbar extension . . .but I can not find it on web.
Inactiveif your careful and don’t drop it or twist it, causing it to jam or the rollers to catch! it’s easy enough, just take your time and check everything is lined up ok and away you go, I had the loading tool kicking about in the van for ages and binned it in the end as I wasn’t using it, you learn after while what can be done solo with a lift when you need to get the pos off and on the rail again when on a call out…
ParticipantIt sure is a whole lot easier and safer using the loading tool.
ParticipantBe aware there is a physical stop as well as a magnetic limit that need to be removed b4 attempting to load the pack……. plus it’s usual to use a set of loading links to allow safe loading of the carriage. These bypass te need to have the seat attached thus making it a more manageable unit
MemberFredt & Clive Thank you for your support. I don’t have the loading tool. There are none available in the USA’ I made some wood with steel angle pieces that are assembled forward and up to the actual rail. There is ultimately 3 points where the unit meets the rail. A bottom roller (nylon wheel) which is perpendicular to the side of the rail: a upper combination roller which follows a top groove, and the gear wnicn slips into the rail so the idea is to put the unit on the forward guiding assembly (I made) and guide it downward until all 3 points are engaged and then use the remote to move it on the rail further. I removed the upper limit which was mounted 7 inches from the end which I think Clive is referring to as the magnetic limit and the final stop at the very end. In lieu of not having the loading tool, my next big problem is where do you grab the whole unit to lift it. It sits right next to the loading spot on the stair platform. How do you normally lift the control carriage without the chair. Where do you grab it to put it on the loading kit tool, With the seat, footrest, and chair arms up where do you grab this thing without damaging any mounted stuff on the carriage. Your help very appreciated
Inactivethe mounting tool is usually for running the carriage only onto the rail and then adding the chair once its all secured onto the rail, on the oe loading tool there are two holes where you insert nylon rods to hold the carriage in place, once the loading tool is located into the rail, you hold the carriage back, pull the downside rod out and gentle allow the carriage to run onto the rail until the rack and pinion meet, then you use the remote to power it onto the rail
majority of the time I pull the lift off the rail, I remove the stops and charge ramp, grab hold of the seat, run the lift up till the pinion disengages, then lift the unit off the rail and lower it onto a dust sheet, customers get shirty about grease on their carpets!
to install it one arm round the chair, grab hold of the carriage underneath the upside safety edge and guide it onto the rail, once the rollers are located, you allow the lift to run onto the rail till the pinion gear engages the rack, flick the down button and guide it onto the rail, just start stop start stop till your happy it’s all lined up ok and away you go…… its not as difficult as it sounds, there are far worse lifts to take on and off the rail! -
MemberFredt pretty darn descriptive . . . and I can see where to grab it. . had a question you said when you remove a chair you take off the stops and charge ramp .what and where is the charge ramp located because when this chair was taken of the only 2 things that came off before was the final end stop and a limit switch about 7 inches from the edge of the rail. I know their are charge points on the rail that charge up the batteries when it is in home position. I don’t know what or where a charge located.
Inactiveignore that bit! was thinking about a bison 50 as I was writing that reply! the charge points on a 1000 are on the side of the rail, in the plastic strip that runs the length of the rail, the pick ups (butterflys) are on the carriage, 2 sets of, make sure you don’t catch them and damage them when installing the carriage onto the rail
before you put it all together give them a bit of a clean with some very fine emery paper or scouring pad to take the burnishing off the surface and then dab a bit of dielectric grease on them -
MemberThank you Fredt for being so helpful. . . . .. Do you have this terrible virus shutting down everything over there
InactiveAs yet working as normal, a lot of the care homes we work in are are cancelling non essential works, will wait and see how the domestic side goes? A lot of my customers are in the at risk group so I see that work slowing down
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