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Hello Simonsimon
Firstly I would like to say if the lift has been condemned it is for a reason. You say the lift is working fine, do you know if the lift is fitted with an overpeed governor and safety gear? Think what would happen if these are not fitted and the rope completely failed? The suspension rope is breaking away, the splinters are the strands of the rope as they break. Splintered ropes are also dangerous when cleaning, I can vouch that they hurt! This is not a scare tactic but reality as i am also sympathising with your predicament.
Ropes are available and can be custom made, however they must have a test certificate supplied and in the case of some models of lift, the ropes may need to be manufactured by the original manufacturer whom will have the design drawings in case of Curved inclined stairlifts.
A through the floor lift is a safer option, a down side of inclined platform lifts in narrow stairwells is that the stairwell can become effectively blocked should they break down, creating what could be likened to a diving board whilst blocking access to the upper floor.
We are based in Ormskirk, but if Social Services have condemned, it is likely a “Thorough Inspection” has been conducted under “LOLER” by an approved insurance company. Should your lift be contracted by Social Services, it is unlikely they will approve A N Other to repair. I am assuming they have also considered age, reliability & obsolescence.
#platformlift #lift #loler #thoroughinspection #socialservices #totalliftcare