Should You Move to a Bungalow or Install a Stairlift?

install a stairlift

It comes a time in the lives of most homeowners where you have to make a choice on whether to make adjustments to your current home or move to a bungalow. This is usually as a result of challenges in mobility now (or planning for the future) which make it difficult for you to go up a flight of stairs. If you have considered making adjustments to your home, you have come across stairlifts as a viable option. Now the question remains whether to install a stairlift or move to a bungalow.

The best choice would be to install a stairlift. It’s not only the logical choice but also one that is backed up by facts and benefits. Here are a few reasons why you’re better off having a stairlift installed instead of moving to a bungalow.

Location, Location, Location

What are the chances that you will get a home in the same or better location than you’re at right now without spending too much money?

While 54% of over 65’s would consider moving to a single storey house, not enough of these are being built to meet current demand in the UK. Source: Arthur Online

There have been concerns raised regarding the feasibility of building more bungalows, since it would make more sense to build high density developments amidst housing shortages. Due to the amount of space bungalows require to build, developers have chosen to build HMO’s over one storey properties since they offer larger profits from the same plot size of land.

As a result, there have only ever been two million bungalows built in the UK and, by 2035, there will be a shortfall of 400,000 ‘specialist’ homes. The National House Building Council have released figures which show that in 1987 over 26,000 bungalows were built, and in 2017 this figure stood at an underwhelming 2,210.

In most cases, you have to downgrade which means you lose touch with family members and friends and you also don’t get to frequent your usual places. With a stairlift, you will easily get over the obstacle which is your stairs and you won’t have to spend much. You will still enjoy the company of your friends and family without worrying about the stairs.


Moving into a new home is not cheap. It is a financially intensive undertaking that will take a toll on your finances even if you will be moving to a smaller home.

Selling up and buying another house can easily set you back between £4,000 and £20,000 in estate agent, surveyor and stamp duty fees as well as having to hire a removal firm.

And that’s not even factoring in the emotional cost: the terrible wrench of leaving the house you call home and having to say goodbye to the friends and neighbours you have grown so close to over the years.

With a stairlift, the only cost you have to deal with is the cost of installation and the ongoing maintenance (which you can take out an extended warranty on most new lifts). Even that is very affordable and only a fraction of buying a new home. The stairlift can be custom-made for your home to ensure you enjoy maximum benefits and you’re not inconvenienced in any way.

Instead of spending those many thousands of pounds on moving costs, you could look at investing the money on a stairlift, which would allow you to stay exactly where you want to be: in the place you love.

Install a stairlift

Installing a stairlift in your home is quick and easy. It takes about a day at most to have the system up and running. Buying and selling a home, on the other hand, may take months or even years to complete. You have to patiently wait for the right buyer and then hope that you can find the right home for in a small amount of time. You will also have to hope that your new home is unoccupied and if it isn’t that the owner will be moving out soon.

Why not read our guide on Buying a Stairlift

Moving to a new home is a waiting game that you just don’t know when it will end. In the meantime, you still have to put up with the stairs on a daily basis. With stairlifts, you don’t have to wait for anyone and you can conquer the problematic stairs in a few hours.

Stress Factor

Moving out is a major decision and it can be stressful because of all the moving parts. It is even more stressful for the elderly or people with limited mobility. There’s so much you need to think about and you have to deal with the fatigue and exhaustion every single day. The moving day will be the worst. You have to manage the move, then moving into the house. It’s not a smooth experience. With a stairlift, you don’t have to worry about all that. In fact, you might not have to worry about anything at all because the experts will even come to your home so you don’t have to leave.

Compared to moving to a bungalow, having a stairlift installed is simple. The process is easy and quick and the most important part is that it helps you get around your home safely without worrying about the stairs.

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